Miss Kane County Scholarship Pageant

719 298 2827
July 26, 2023 6:00 pm

Entry deadline is June 26th, Mandatory practices include July 10th & 11th, July 20th, July 24th, 25th and 26th. Any questions please call/text Camberly 719-298-2827

Kanab High School Auditorium 6pm. Come support our County's Young Women as they perform as well as present their Platform Goals for 2023-2024. Cheer them on as the Queen and Princess Courts are Crowned!

Our theme this year is "Rosie The Riveter, Answering the Call in Our Community" Everyone has something to offer that makes Kane County stronger, better, safer and more amazing then ever before!

Practices and Workshops
We strive to give our contestants all the tools they need to have a great Pageant experience including: Professional Interview workshops, Poise and presentation workshops, Talent workshops and critiques, Production chorography, sense of community and acceptance, Platform Strategy Clinics and other amazing young women to support and uplift together.
