Salt to Saint

September 20, 2024 8:00 am

The Salt To Saint Relay is Utah’s most exciting bicycle relay challenge. Teams of cyclists, consisting of 8 riders, 4 riders, and even Solo riders, will push themselves, their sleeping habits, their cycling abilities and their idea of a good time to new limits. Imagine the bragging rights, inside jokes, camaraderie and stench that will be built up after 24 hours and 420+ miles of riding together, working together and cheering each other on.

Creating their own strategy, teams will try to get from Salt Lake City Utah to St George Utah as fast as possible.  Cyclists start in the heart of Salt Lake City just east of This is the Place State Monument and leapfrog their way south, riding and relaying on roads that have been chosen for their safety, beauty and challenge. Following historic Hwy 89 for the majority of the route, riders will pass through towns they never knew existed and through some of the most stunning scenery Utah has to offer. Cheer them on as they pass through Kanab!
