Western Legends Heritage and Music Festival
Kanab, Utah
Mark your calendar for the annual Western Legends Heritage and Music Festival on August 22-24, 2024.
Enjoy legendary, western movie stars, heroic bull riders, toe-tapping country music and one-of-a-kind western art and craft vendors assembled in one epic location–, Kanab, Utah. Round up the family for this red-rock adventure and attend the ultimate cowboy experience.
For the fans of the classic western movies, tickets are available for dinner and breakfast with the stars, plus autograph signings, panel discussions and much more in the beautiful Kanab Center.
Don’t miss the action-packed Western Legends rodeo Friday night. World famous bull and bronc riders compete for the cash and buckle that comes with winning the title of Champion. Watch the speed and agility of the ropers and barrel racers with their athlete horse companions.
Speaking of the country battle of the bands, or County Battle USA, you will enjoy some of the best up-and-coming country bands in the country competing for $10,000 in prize money- winner takes all! Each band will perform once on Friday and again on Saturday. The winner will then perform Saturday evening at the crowd-favorite street dance.
While listening to those sweet country tunes, enjoy shopping for that one-of-a-kind gift at the street fair with western arts and craft vendors, and enjoy a tasty meal from one of our many food vendors. Make sure to wander down the street to watch one of Dr. Buck’s Wild West Shows, a comedy gunfight with Hollywood stuntmen.
Don’t miss the crowd-pleasing, High Noon Parade with longhorn cattle and wagons on Saturday at you guessed it, Noon! While checking out the wagons at Parry’s, mosey across the street to see the Mountain Man exhibit and demonstrations in front of the Kanab Center. Learn the tricks of the trade of these original survivalists and businessmen.
With the increased number of visitors to Kanab, tickets are expected to sell out. Get your room booked and tickets purchased early.
For updates, tickets and more information check out the website: www.WesternLegendsRoundup.com