Buckskin Gulch

Buckskin Gulch is rated as an all-time favorite hike. It is located 46 miles east of Kanab, Utah in the Paria Canyon Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness.

It’s the longest, deepest slot canyon in the Southwest (and probably the world)—a 23-mile venture carved through the desert. Towering sandstone walls and a narrow, winding corridor make Buckskin Gulch a surreal hidden environment. When sun rays occasionally peek through, the beauty is unmatched. Options for enjoying this spectacular natural wonder include a short day hike out of Wire Pass, or a serious multi-day hike. Some scrambling, canyoneering, and water passages put this at the top of many hikers’ MUST-do list.


Make sure to plan ahead. For a day-hike, purchase a day-use permit online before arriving at Buckskin Gulch. Overnight stays to explore more of the Paria cliffs and canyons require a separate permit with limited availability. Dogs are permitted.
